Foot & Ankle Surgery

Achilles disorders

Achilles tendinopathy
Achilles tendinopathy is a condition that affects the Achilles tendon, which is the largest tendon in the body and connects the calf muscles to the heel bone.

The term “Achilles tendinopathy” is used to describe a variety of conditions that can affect the Achilles tendon. These include:

Achilles tendinitis
Inflammation of the Achilles tendon that is usually caused by overuse or repetitive stress. This condition can cause pain and swelling in the tendon.

Achilles tendinosis
Degeneration of the tendon, due to chronic or sustained overuse or repetitive stress, without appropriate conditioning. This can cause pain, stiffness, thickening and weakness in the tendon, and may increase the risk of tendon rupture.

There are a variety of non-surgical treatments for Achilles tendinopathy, which you should discuss with your physio, doctor or consultant, but if you are recommended surgery, it is important to understand what to expect.

Surgery for Achilles tendinopathy typically involves:

It is usually performed under general anesthesic, meaning you will be asleep during the procedure.

Mr Bajaj will make an incision in the back of the leg, near the Achilles tendon.

Tissue removal
Mr Bajaj will remove any damaged or degenerated tissue from the Achilles tendon. Depending on the extent of the damage, this may involve removing a small portion of the tendon, or removing the entire tendon.

Tissue repair
After the damaged tissue has been removed, Mr Bajaj may repair the remaining tendonby stitching it back together. In some cases, a graft might be used (a piece of tissue from another part of the body) to reinforce the repaired tendon.

After the surgery, you will need to keep weight off your foot for a period of time to allow the area to heal from the operation. You may need to wear a boot to protect your foot and ankle as it heals. Physiotherapy may be recommended to help you regain strength and flexibility in your foot and leg.

Mr Sunil Bajaj
Orthopaedic surgeon
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